Happy New Year!

If this is your first time visiting my blog, welcome! For those who are returning, welcome back! SqlThis is aimed at being a quick "Reference" site. In general I do not write a whole lot of fluff about the topics at hand, just the absolute necessary to help understand the script/example and that's it, in some ways SqlThis is a repository of Tsql Links, but often times when I've run into unique solutions or solutions that I want to revisit, I will post them here too, so it's sort of a mesh of links and articles. I also get tips and tricks from fellow DBAs in the community that will provide me w/ Articles or Links. I hope this year to get a new tip/trick at least once a month. I've been posting to this blog for almost 2 years now. Next month will actually be my 2 year anniversary. And while other sites give away Ipods and Laptops (google microsoft laptop giveaway). I will be providing something much more coveted...

... more tsql code :)


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