
Showing posts from January, 2007

Calculating Days of the Week and Accounting Months 5-4-4

Ever needed a quick Date formula? In my world I do not need such funky date formulas all the time, only during the occasional Report week of the year. With that said though, I know others run into this need frequently. I found this while perusing one of my favorite sites, enjoy as there is very good detail and sample code on how to achieve just what you need. (Link to Database Journal) Calculating Days of the Week and Accounting Months 5-4-4

Happy New Year!

If this is your first time visiting my blog, welcome! For those who are returning, welcome back! SqlThis is aimed at being a quick "Reference" site. In general I do not write a whole lot of fluff about the topics at hand, just the absolute necessary to help understand the script/example and that's it, in some ways SqlThis is a repository of Tsql Links, but often times when I've run into unique solutions or solutions that I want to revisit, I will post them here too, so it's sort of a mesh of links and articles. I also get tips and tricks from fellow DBAs in the community that will provide me w/ Articles or Links. I hope this year to get a new tip/trick at least once a month. I've been posting to this blog for almost 2 years now. Next month will actually be my 2 year anniversary. And while other sites give away Ipods and Laptops (google microsoft laptop giveaway). I will be providing something much more coveted... ... more tsql code :)