
Showing posts from January, 2006

How to Set Up a SQL Server Stress Test Environment in 8 Steps: Lessons From the Field

Sometimes you just have to know How to Set Up a SQL Server Stress Test . SQLIOstress is a bit diffrent than SQLIO wich actually gives you back only IO resutls, whereas SQLIOstress will yeild results in the manner that SQL maintains files.

Migrating Logins from One SQL Server to Another

UPDATED! 11/11/11 Every DBA runs into the following topic from time to time in their career, How Do you go about Migrating Logins from One SQL Server to Another ? From time to time you'll want to move actual sql login users to another server be it an upgrade, or if you have a good development - test - production cycle, you might be more used to this. Or maybe just maybe you're starting this cycle out, initially just run the Sproc provided by Microsoft called sp_help_revlogin There are two methods posted on the Microsoft site: Method 1 is for Sql Server 2000 to 2000  KB 246133 Method 2 is for Sql Server 2000 to 2005  KB 246133 Method 3 is for Sql Server 2005/2008 KB 918992 You will need to use Query Analyzer for Sql Server 2000 or Management Studio for 2005/2008  Copy the results and paste them to the new query window Go to the source server and open up a new query window and be sure you are pointing to your source database check that your Management s...